
Materia Medica Viva Volume 7 – page 1530

time start and strike out with shrieking, tossing about and even falling into clonic convulsions. These states can come from suppuration of an internal organ, as for instance the intestinal canal, or from an inflammatory irritation of the meninges.
Some other delirious symptoms are: fancies she hears something walk quietly about the room, then it knocks under the bed and seems to elevate it; something seems to grasp her hand and bend it several times up and down, then her throat is grasped by two icy-cold hands; talks much and incoherently about business and about people long dead.
Cantharis may be indicated in manic depressive states where the raging attacks alternate with conditions of great depression, dejection, and despondency, with incessant moaning or with weeping without apparent cause.
Cantharis should be considered in: rapidly destructive inflammation in the serous and mucous membranes which moves quickly towards gangrene; suppuration of internal organs or meningitis, causing unconscious states and convulsive attacks; inflammations of the urinary and genital organs. Cantharis should be considered in any condition where the urine is scanty, cutting and burning, with intolerable, constant urging to urinate.
Pain is generally burning in any part of the body. All body cavities bum as if raw and sore. The body feels raw and sore pain all over, both internally and externally. There is a crushed feeling all over the body, with sensitivity of every part, both internally and externally, and great weakness, such that he has to lie down. The pain is generally accompanied by great excitement and irritability. There are convulsions from dysuria and bladder or kidney calculi, with the above-named hydrophobic symptoms; very marked is the