
Materia Medica Viva Volume 7 – page 1527

get rid of them (this is seen especially in the morning). This mental unrest does not allow for the peace of mind necessary to finish a job. In the midst of it a new thought imposes itself upon him, and he starts another job, without finishing the original or that one either.
Anxiety and apprehension often accompany this restlessness, sometimes along with a feeling of guilt as if one had committed a crime. The anxious feeling is localized mostly in the stomach (Kali carbonicum, Mezereum, Arsenicum) or begins there and extends to other parts of the body. It can be connected to a sensation of fullness in the stomach and sometimes comes on after eating. There is a general disposition to being anxious and easily frightened, with restlessness, but also with depression and despondency. Some symptoms from the provings are: increasing anxiety with trembling over the entire body; the trembling continues while walking in the open air; anxiety in the morning, as if something important is about to happen; inner anxiety with a lack of self-confidence, distrust of himself in the afternoon; extreme despondency and faint-heartedness; says she is going to die.
The inner tension that is expressed by restlessness and anxiety finds genuine release only in sexual intercourse, but there are also defensive and aggressive ways to bring it to the surface. The proving symptom ‘Defiant and contradictory mood in the afternoon’ is one
manifestation of it, which has been confirmed by clinical evidence. Others are insolent, easily offended and become very irritable from what he considers an insult.
Alternately, there is an inclination to be dissatisfied with everything and anything; morose, fretful, angry, boisterous, feels that no one can do anything right. Anger and rage also easily come on, sometimes with really malicious behaviour. The emotional state may undergo changes from a cheerful and talkative mood to discontent, great depression and despondency with incessant moaning, or to an introverted, pensive, sluggish and