
Materia Medica Viva Volume 7 – page 1526

the same cystitis reappearing again and again or may be new infections which are connected to their numerous affairs; this is difficult to determine. You often find Cantharis states in prostitutes and men who visit them, as the possibility of infection in these people is great. Regardless of what triggered the infection, it is actually the constitution that breeds the infection. This is why a little girl who is exposed to a draught or to sea water can also get a violent cystitis with the excessive burning mentioned above. In cases of constitutional Cantharis adults, the history of repeated infections is usually present.
A key-note of this remedy that sometimes occurs during sexual activity is that pressure on the throat is unbearable. If by chance during sexual intercourse the hand of her husband presses her throat even slightly, a Cantharis woman, will become angry and will immediately push his hand away, as if frightened. There are also other symptoms that seem to be related to hydrophobia, such as a fear of water and of shining surfaces similar to Stramonium, but without the real aggression of Stram. Another differentiation may become important with regard to the obscene language. Here Cantharis resembles Hyoscyamus, but in Hyos. the desire for sex does not occur nearly as frequently as in Cantharis.
The Mental Picture
A tremendous restlessness prevails in the mental sphere of Cantharis, but it is a unproductive restlessness, a hurried feeling that makes the patient run about and constantly attempt to do something, without accomplishing anything. The provings give the symptoms: ‘Does not find rest, always looking for another place, with internal heat of head.’ And: ‘Extreme restlessness when sitting or lying; she has to move constantly, up and down, to and fro; day and night. ’
This is both a physical restlessness and a restlessness of the mind. Too many thoughts intrude upon his mind, and the patient cannot