conditions are accompanied by this type of painful urination. Moreover, whenever a patient complains of a feeling of excessive burning in whatever part of the body, Cantharis might also be indicated. This is especially true when such burning is coupled with an over-excitement of the sexual sphere.
A second characteristic of the remedy is that it produces very intense and violent inflammations that develop extremely quickly. In urinary conditions the state proceeds with such speed that within minutes the irritation and burning become so intense, that the patient screams from pain when urinating.
In Kent’s words: ‘When taken internally it proceeds almost immediately to attack the urinary tract and establish a uraemic state… The local inflammatory condition comes on with great rapidity, and this brings the patient down violently sick in a great hurry… The parts become gangrenous at an early state.’
And he goes on: ‘The bladder and the genitals are inflamed and the excitement and congestion of the parts often arouse the sexual instinct, so that there are sexual thoughts and sexual frenzy. Violent, amorous frenzy, an excitement such as accompanies inflammation attended with thoughts that correspond. The sexual instinct has gone mad. The erections in the male are painful and violent. The penis is inflamed and sore and it would be painful to have coitus, yet there is this frenzy.’
This description corresponds to a state of violent acute cystitis. In addition to these features there may also be a truly manic delirium of the sexual type, with tremendous restlessness and outbursts of wild rage. You will not always see all of this extreme state that Kent describes, but rather a picture going towards it.