The scalp is sore to the touch, and it may be felt may feel tightly stretched over the skull, ‘as a bladder is stretched over a jar’. Crawling in the scalp on top of the head.
Eyes become red and small. Blood vessels of conjunctivae are often seen.
Fixed gaze; eyes brilliant, very bright and shiny; sometimes also strikingly dull.
Pupils dilate and contract alternately in the same light.*
Sensation of spasmodic drawing in the eyes *
Outward pressure at the back of the eyes *
Jerking in the external canthus and lid.
Inflammation of the caruncula lachrymalis of both eyes.
Weak feeling of the eyes and poor vision*; objects seem indistinct and dim, hazy sight. After looking for a long time, he cannot see well; he sees mist before his eyes. While reading, the letters run together. Vision is confused. He experiences transient blindness, with the exception of a small point on which he is fixing his gaze (experienced during a shaking chill).
Photopsia. Twinkling, trembling, and glimmering before the eyes.
Distortions of sight, objects enlarged or more distant; visual hallucinations; sensitivity to light; visual clairvoyance.
Feeling of distension in the eyeballs, as if starting out of the head; they ache when he tries to read.
Throbbing and fullness in both ears.
Boring pain immediately above and in the back of the right ear.
Stuffed feeling in the right ear.
Noises in the ears: buzzing; ringing; like boiling water. Periodical singing during dreamy spells, or during dozing while lying down; always ceasing when he came to himself or gets up, but are renewed with the next dreamy spell.
All sounds, especially voices (including his own), seem far off, as if obscured by a veil or gauze; even his own voice seems distant.
Great sensitivity to noise, easily irritated by it; acoustic hallucinations; clairaudience.