with agreeable warmth in the brain, but pressive pain in the temples.*
Heat of the head with coldness of the extremities.
Tension first in the occiput, then also in the sinciput, lastly in the temples.* Strange feelings in the head: violent shocks through the brain on regaining consciousness; noise like a crash or explosion during sleep; crisping or crackling sensation, especially on falling asleep and waking; pendulum-like oscillations. Feeling of something surging up from the posterior part of the head toward the forehead. Jerking in the right side of the forehead and towards the interior and back part of the head. Great constriction in the head, as if from an iron skull-cap.
The sinciput is compressed from the borders of the orbits to the temples; not relieved by stooping.*
Dull, heavy, throbbing pain through the head, with the sensation of a heavy blow on the back of the head and neck. Throbbing of the occiput. Throbbing, aching pain in the forehead.
Heavy weight at the back of the head. It may be experienced as a crushing weight on the cerebellum, neck and shoulders, with a thumping in the head, making him unable to rise from a stooping position. (This was observed during a shaking chill). The heavy feeling at the occiput can also be accompanied by pains shooting from it up the sides of head to the temples and vertex, the pain being so intense that it makes the patient cry. Heavy insurmountable pressure on the brain, forcing him to stoop.
Pain in the entire right side of the head. Cannabis has helped hemicrania states, e.g. with the opening and shutting sensation of the skull or when the attack was preceded by unusual excitement with loquacity.
Dull drawing pain in the forehead, especially over the eyes.
Pressive headache with excessive sensitivity to light.*
Violent headache with hallucinations.
Headache with flatulence, continuing until he can pass wind upward or downward; with throbbing in the occiput.
Coffee may almost instantly relieve headaches.
A frequent involuntary shaking of the head is a characteristic symptom. Head feels as if floating in the air; as if separated from the body.
On a small spot of the os parietalis (later also on other parts of the head) a cold feeling as if a drop of cold water had fallen upon it.*