
Materia Medica Viva Volume 7 – page 1508

dark, still the location of every article around him seemed perfectly plain; he could read the titles of books upon a table 12 or 15 feet [4 or 5 metres] off.’ And concerning clairaudience: ‘His sense of hearing had become extremely acute; he very distinctly heard what was said far off and in a low voice. ‘Such experiences may be quite disturbing.
Thirst may be accompanied by a dread of drinking. The patient may be unable to swallow a single draught in spite of the intense thirst. Characteristically, Cannabis patients are extremely thirsty, especially in acute situations. This, coupled with the fear of death, can lead to confusion with Arsenicum. However, there is one important differential point: Cannabis patients always want to rest and tell you they feel better from it, but from what I have observed, this is really an intellectualised symptom. Though they have a great desire to lie down in the daytime, they arrive at the conclusion in their minds that they are better from lying down, and so this is what they do. Actually, if you force them to take a brisk walk, especially in fresh air, they feel better. Mental symptoms (for example a feeling of anguish, which is accompanied by great oppression) are especially better in the open air. You must be careful, however, not to over-exert them, as over-exertion makes all Cannabis symptoms worse. The provings also give the symptoms: ‘Thoroughly exhausted from a short walk’; and ‘Great weariness after moderate movement’,* as, for example, climbing stairs.
A characteristic sensation is a cold feeling like a trickling, as if drops of cold water were falling onto the skin or from a part or several parts of the body, especially on the head, on the heart region and in the region of the anus.*
There is also a sensation as if hot water were repeatedly poured over the patient,* or else as if warm water were flowing up the back.
The pulse is unusually slow, and it may be feeble, sometimes hardly perceptible, and irregularly intermittent, but this may alternate with a rapid pulse, bounding, fluttering, full, etc. Kent aptly