desire is so strong that if they do not have a partner available at the time, they resort to masturbation. They are not particularly choosy about their partners; they just want quick satisfaction. Consequently, they are quite susceptible to gonorrhoea.
Cannabis is one of the remedies that has been used in acute gonorrhoea, although its discharge which is yellow or yellowish-white and slimy, sometimes thick, sometimes watery*, is of no value in the prescription, because it is common in gonorrhoea. To prescribe Cannabis, the characteristic mental picture would have to be present. I think that it will seldom be effective in acute cases, but might be of greater use in complaints after contracting gonorrhoea.
A frequent symptom in men is painful erections at night (Cantharis, Staphysagria)•, in Cannabis these erections are of a mechanical type, without an urge to masturbate or to perform coitus, a sort of erection without sexual arousal.
Concluding remarks
The two types of Cannabis state can overlap to varying degrees. For instance, the first type of patient who is more ‘mentalized’ and controlling may experience quite joyful ethereal states, somewhat similar to states of heightened spiritual awareness. He may actually feel transported into another sphere, a little world of his own, surrounded by an ethereal flux that seems less dense than water but not as thin as air, which resists movement and passage and has to be overcome by will power.
This sort of sensation frequently occurs when the person is in a hypnagogic state, very close to falling asleep, and it is experienced in a pleasant way and readily tolerated. However, when this tendency becomes truly pathological, disturbing visions begin to occur. Unwanted clairvoyant visions occur as the person closes his