In Cannabis patients, the marked desire for control described in the section on ‘fear of insanity’ utilizes a great deal of effort. With any little stress, they feel that they are breaking down; they feel exhausted and take to their bed. When they visit the homeopath, they complain of a vast number of symptoms: exhaustion, constipation, headaches, pains, etc. The litany of symptoms and sufferings can be fantastic. If they have not read a materia medica, the list of complaints is lengthy and difficult enough to deal with; but should they have studied homeopathy, the list will be exhaustive.
They can produce twenty pages of symptoms – there is no symptom they do not have – and they will tell the physician to be certain to underline one symptom twice and another three times because it is very important, and so on. In addition, they admit to having whatever symptoms the physician suggests. If their symptoms alone are focused upon, the case will be hopelessly confusing; one blind alley after another will be followed.
A frequent observation in Cannabis cases is that when on the telephone to their physician, because of their anxiety, they will complain of their multiple problems in a panicky way and with great intensity. They call their physician frequently, even daily. Other remedies, such as Agaricus, Arsenicum, and Nitricum acidum manifest similar behaviour. Cannabis patients keep the physician on the telephone for a long time complaining; their anxiety cannot be explained away easily despite the physician’s strenuous efforts to do so. They demand explanations, but are not readily reassured. Phosphorus patients, on the other hand, also frequently telephone their physician with anxiety about health, but they can be easily reassured within a few minutes and their concern evaporates.
Cannabis patients may check up on their doctor by visiting another physician to see if he gives them the same answers as the first; a behaviour that exhibits also the suspicious element of the remedy. (Cannabis is in the third degree in this rubric). The desire for control