or writing, there is this tendency to forget what one intended to speak or write, which not only leads to incoherent speech, but also to the strange symptom that patients are unable to finish a sentence.
From this proving symptom Nash derived a successful prescription in the case of a woman with dropsy resulting from valvular heart disease, who, after being relieved of the bloating, suddenly became unable to speak. To quote Nash: ‘In answer to a question she could begin a sentence, but could not finish it, because she could not remember what she intended to say. She was very impatient about it and would cry, but could not finish the sentence, but could signify her assent if it was finished by someone else for her. ’ Cannabis helped her rapidly recover the power to express herself.
Another description of the serious deterioration of memory is: ‘Absolute forgetfulness of the thought, or speech, or act of the previous moment. I would, for example, be startled by hearing, as it were, the echo of the last words of a sentence I had spoken without knowing what it was about…’. According to Clarke, speaking may also be embarrassed’: ‘At one time the words are wanting, at another the voice fails.’ Similar problems may come on while reading: ‘Could not read, partly on account of dreamy spells, and partly because he had not full power of vision’ (Hering).
Concentration may become difficult; the patient cannot focus his thoughts. An excessive sensitivity to noises may be present; he can even hear a whisper in an adjoining room and be irritated thereby. These people become unable to follow what is said to them for long; they are confused as if in a dream; they make mistakes in writing, such as repeating or omitting words. Their thoughts suddenly begin to wander, especially when performing mental activities such as reading or writing. A disinclination to mental work prevails.