Cannabis cases talk theory; these patients talk about abstract ideas rather than personal emotions; it is the mind that is stimulated, not the emotions or the erotic or sexual passions. To summarize their condition in a word: they are mentalised.
When this happens, the mind becomes hazy, vague, and scattered. These people become inefficient in their tasks. They cannot focus on reality for any length of time, cannot control the mind enough to reason rationally on any subject. Typically, these people drift from one job to another due to dissatisfaction. They leave a job simply because they have lost interest; they prefer to do something else. They do not feel any bitterness about this. Indeed, they are, in general, mild, sweet people and are very easy-going.
In many cases the fact that Cannabis speeds up the mind stimulates it, but in other cases this breaks it down. Where the mental faculties of young people are not very strong, they sometimes cannot support such speed and the mind breaks down with devastating experiences. This is the point where the tremendous fear of losing control and of insanity develops in its chronic state, as described above.
Dullness of Mind and Weakness of Memory
Just as the mind can be speeded up, so can it be slowed down and develop a weakness of memory. Examples of this are: forgets what he just said in conversation; answers questions incoherently and immediately forgets what they were about and what he has answered; forgets proper names; has a constant succession of new ideas, but almost instantly forgets each of them; forgets what he has just read, what he has just written.
Often, we observe that the patient forgets what he is about to do. In one of Berridge’s cases we find the description: ‘Memory bad; forgets when speaking what she is going to say; forgets what she has to do if she does not make a note of it. ’ Especially in speaking