theorising is continuous, and even though he knows that he is talking inappropriately or even talking nonsense, he can neither help nor stop it.
This is the kind of mental behaviour that justifies the repertorial description of Cannabis indica as ‘theorising’. It is a restless activity of the mind that cannot be controlled. The mind works so fast that speech cannot follow it. As Kent remarks ‘Wonderful theories constantly form in the mind’, one idea arising after the other. They drive him on but these ideas also crowd upon each other and bring on confusion. Often they have an improbable, unbelievable character to them, being far from rational reasoning. He passes back and forth from the rational to the irrational in rapid succession. As Kent puts it: ‘Any effort to reason is interrupted by flights of wild imagination and theory.’ These persons engage in discussions, drifting from one subject to another, continually spinning new theories as they go. Or else there are persistent thoughts, fixed ideas that the patient simply cannot let go.
The ideas of Cannabis cases are weak, not clear or strong enough to be followed or executed. Great plans are made, but the patients lack the strength of mind and mental discipline to organize their concepts and to act upon them. They never leave the realm of discussion. When a Cannabis patient is before you, you may be momentarily impressed by the wonderful ideas he expresses, the velocity of his thinking and his theorising, but you soon realise that there is something wrong with the patient, as he has no limits and stops at nothing.
Excessive loquacity, as if he is constantly being urged on by his mind, is the consequence of this theorising. It is a loquacity that is quite different from that of Lachesis. A Lach. patient talks to you with great passion about things or situations that touch upon his or her emotions. Lach. is all about passion and jealousy. It is about human emotions and how these people relate to others. In contrast,