
Materia Medica Viva Volume 7 – page 1495

We might explain it like this: as the etheric body re-enters the physical, this falling sensation occurs and is concluded by a sudden shock as the two bodies coalesce. An expression of this idea is seen in some proving symptoms: On regaining consciousness, violent shocks pass through his brain.’ Or: ‘I was troubled by a crisping sensation in the brain, just when I fell asleep or awoke from sleep.’ It may even be a noise like a crash or explosion and the sensation may pass through the whole body. The student of homeopathy, on confronting these conditions, should try to understand and evaluate them correctly.
What may look like a schizophrenic state may be but a passing dissociation of the physical with the etheric bodies. It is in the nature of this remedy to produce such symptoms and states easily, but they are often temporary and self-correcting, though they might be repeated in another situation. There is also the possibility that such states remain permanent, in which case we have a serious mental condition.
Excessive Theorising
A general characteristic of this remedy, in all stages, is the tendency of the patient to go in for theoretical discussions and explanations. The mind produces thoughts and ideas with great speed and the patient seems to have no control over the process. Having abundant ideas and theorising are key-notes of this remedy. To illustrate this characteristic feature: you meet an individual who looks perfectly normal and sane, who can hold a job in the bank; yet the moment a discussion touches upon a philosophical issue, the man produces so many arguments and with such speed that you cannot really follow his thinking.
The same thing happens to him if his emotions are touched when flirting with a woman. He starts with all kinds of theoretical arguments, of course with the aim of impressing her, but then constantly brings new ideas into the discussion, so that the woman is soon confused as to his purpose or meaning. This ‘discussion’ or