The patient has delusions of greatness, often manifesting as mania of grandeur. He imagines that he possesses all the wealth in the world and with a benevolence equal to his wealth, showers riches on all those who are needy around him. His powers are superhuman, his knowledge encompasses the universe, his range of vision is infinite; he believes there is creative power in his word, and that he has only to speak and it will be done. He thinks he is Christ come to restore the world to peace. He is an emperor or the commander of an army. Often this is accompanied by an impressive eloquence, and while sometimes considered brilliant only by the patient himself, the ability of many Cannabis persons to argue eloquently in the midst of their confusion is really astounding.
Delusions relating to the size of the body, the expansion of space, and the amplification of time to infinity appear very frequently and will be dealt with in detail in a separate section. He has hallucinations or delusions of being transported in space, in most cases into a huge and sublime environment, e.g. he believes he is transported into heaven; he thinks he is in eternity; he thinks he is being conveyed from a plain to a mountain, then to a steep ascent, then to a naked rock and eventually to the ridge of a mountain with a tremendous abyss before him. He has the sensation that he is flying from an enormous rock into a fearful and dark abyss. He believes he has journeyed to another world whose objects he cannot recognize and whose paths he does not know. It seems to him that he is walking in a vast arena, encircled by tremendous walls.
The delusions are often delightful, but they can change into horrifying experiences. Not only can he feel as if he has been transported to heaven, but also to hell, where, for example, he sees devils thrusting a pitchfork of white-hot iron into his side and hurling him into a fiery cradle. He feels as if he were nothing, sits there awaiting extinction. He is firmly convinced that he is about to die and will presently be dissected, so much so that he says good-bye to the people around him. He can also feel that he has already died.