The first type of mental pathology is definitely a more agonized and tormented state than the second type, because the patient is conscious of the deterioration of his mind. His mind is confused, disorganized and diffused, and out of this condition emerges an overwhelming anxiety about sanity; the patient actually feels that insanity is imminent.
Despite all of the above, this type of pathology is still infinitely better than type two, which appears mostly in acute conditions, such as fever or acute mental derangement, and in chronic states, including chronic cases of mental disturbance and disease. The mind is completely broken down, in total confusion and out of touch with reality, and delusions of different types and in varying degrees prevail.
Cannabis can be called the remedy for delusions. There is no other remedy that has produced and cured such a great variety of delusions, although I believe that if other hallucinogenic drugs were properly proved, they too would elicit a similar number and diversity of delusions. With regard to Cannabis, we can say that there is virtually no delusion that cannot be experienced in a case caused by this drug, or demanding this remedy. Let us look at the impressive array of delusions that are listed in the provings, many of them elicited by substantial doses of the drug:
The prover often has experiences of unreality: seems to be in a dream, as if things were not real; familiar objects appear strange and unreal, also people, even his own family; his voice sounds strange, as if not his own, alien and unreal, as if it is someone else who spoke; sometimes does not know where he is; thinks he is someone else; doubts his own existence, is preoccupied with the idea that he doesn’t know if he himself exists, if human beings even exist at all, and for what purpose he exists.