
Materia Medica Viva Volume 7 – page 1483

hundreds of cases that are still suffering from its side-effects years after taking it. In those cases where the symptoms correspond to Cannabis, the confirmation that such symptomatology originated with taking the drug is the fact that these people become well after taking the remedy in high potency.
This does not mean, however, that Cannabis is indicated for all people who suffer from the consequences of hashish abuse. The reaction of the organism can also assume other forms and display the symptomatology of other remedies. Moreover, it is not necessary to have a history of exposure to the drug for a Cannabis state to develop; Cannabis states can also appear spontaneously as a result of an individual’s predisposition, or as a specific reaction to external influences or internal disturbances. It should be noted, however, that an anamnesis of hashish or marijuana abuse should make you consider Cannabis as a remedy.
When we talk about a Cannabis state we always mean a certain degree of mental confusion, which may range from a slight perplexity (similar to that in a mild state of intoxication) to total psychosis, in which delusions of all kinds predominate. Trying to summarize the central elements of this important remedy, we could say that Cannabis cases prominently present the following symptoms: confusion, excessive theorising, ethereal ‘floating’ sensations, fear of insanity or of ‘losing control’, and an extreme anxiety about health.
In order to better understand this remedy’s essential features, we must recognize that Cannabis has two main types of mental pathology. In type one, confusion dominates the picture, but the patient does not have actual delusions. He theorizes endlessly and his thoughts are disconnected, but still not totally incoherent. His intellectual faculties are weak, but have not yet yielded to illusions. He has a fear of losing control, a fear of insanity, but does not have the actual psychosis that prevails in type two.