East Indian Cannabis sativa.
Indian Hemp. Marijuana. Bhang. Ganja.
N.O. Cannabinaceae.
Cannabis indica and Cannabis sativa
It is hardly possible to differentiate between Cannabis indica and Cannabis sativa. The two plants not only belong to the same species (C. sativa and C. indica are botanically identical; the difference in their properties is due solely to the differences in the soil and climate in which they are grown), but the provings also brought about very similar symptoms, and it is not clear in all proving reports which plant was used as the raw substance.
More importantly, clinical experience has given evidence for the possibility to substitute one remedy for the other and effect a cure. As early as 1870 Berridge deliberately prescribed Cannabis Indica in a case whose symptoms seemed to call for Cannabis Sativa, and reported complete success in curing the condition (Journal of Homeopathic Clinics, 4, 26). Many other Cann-s. symptoms have been confirmed as yielding to Cann-i. For this reason, I have included symptoms first observed in Cann-s. in this remedy picture.
For the sake of precision, the symptoms first observed in Cann-s. are marked with an asterisk (*): after a full stop it refers to the whole sentence; in all other cases, it refers only to the part after the last semicolon or colon.
Cannabis indica is a remedy which is required with increasing frequency today, largely because of the widespread abuse of hashish and marijuana. The injudicious consumption of hashish can, in many instances, provoke a chronic Cannabis state. The idea that Cannabis is a harmless herb or ‘grass’ is a myth, as we have seen