
Materia Medica Viva Volume 7 – page 1480

Antidoted by: Op., Nit-s-d., Dulc., and Phos.
It antidotes: Am-c., Canth., Carb-v., Cupr., Lyc., Squil, Nat-m., tobacco, bitter almonds, and other fruits containing prussic acid; also the secondary affections remaining after poisoning with acids, salts, metals, poisonous mushrooms.
Incompatible: Tea, coffee, and lemonade, as a rule do not interfere, but with coffee it is sometimes worse.
Compare: Aloe., Carb-v. (coldness from undeveloped exanthema, collapse; epistaxis, dark, persistent; low haemorrhages generally); Lyc. (head drawn to one side – Lyc. to the left, Plb. and Stram. to the right, Bufo to either); Op., (narcotism, heart affections); Phos. (anguish and burning in cholera). Nit-s-d., Squil., Verat.
Teste puts Camph. in his Belladonna group, with Agar., Lach., Cedr., Stram., Tab., and others. He notes that it acts much more powerfully on carnivorous animals than on herbivores.