awoke miserably weak, the sweat having penetrated to the lower side of the feather bed, and shirt and bed-clothes drenched. ’
On waking in the morning, peculiar sensation of heat over whole skin, as if going to sweat.
Painfully sensitive skin of whole body, slight touch hurts. But also: loss of all tactile sensations, even hot and cold cannot be differentiated.
Skin wilted, cool, flabby, often very cold. But during heat, it may also be tense, hot and dry, like parchment.
Ill effects of suppressed or receded eruptions or exanthema (spasms, retention of urine, etc.).
Erysipelatous inflammation, with coldness, paleness, sinking, and aversion to being covered.
Erysipelas of infants, with spasms. One example: a child, five weeks old, becomes very restless, screams incessantly and gets red spots at right thigh and in pubic region, quickly magnifying and confluent; after three days got hard, the redness extended upward to the navel, which became sensitive to touch. In the evening, slight but continuous twitching came on, increased when child left dorsal position. Camphora caused all symptoms to disappear, and instead a general red rash appeared, but with it also sleep, perspiration, appetite, and general well-being.
Angina pectoris. Bed sores. Cholera Asiatica. Chordee. Cold. Convulsions. Epilepsy. Eruptions, suppressed. Erysipelas. Gonorrhoea. Heart affections. Hyperpyrexia. Influenza. Measles. Memory, loss of. Priapism. Rheumatism. Sexual mania. Shivering. Sleeplessness. Snake-bites. Spasms. Strangury. Sunstroke. Taste, disordered. Tetanus. Tobacco habit. Twitching. Urethra, spasmodic stricture of. Urine, suppression of.