The limbs are difficult to move. Spasms and convulsions of limbs:
spasmodic contractions; tetanic spasms, shoulders bent back, arms first slightly bent, then extended and rigid, fingers stiff and open; thumb clenched or drawn back at nearly right angle with its metacarpal; toes drawn up or spread; convulsive rotation of arms; convulsions generally more in upper limbs.
Cold extremities, often with a sense of numbness and tingling, or with clammy sweat and great prostration. In spite of the coldness, covering seems unendurable. Hands and feet icy cold.
Tearing stitching in joints, now here, now there.
Cracking and creaking in joints of loins, hands, and feet.
Pain in periosteum of all bones.
Drawing in muscles of left upper arm when walking.
Pressure and drawing on inner side of both arms, during rest of parts, ceasing while moving them. Tired feeling from shoulder to wrist, relieved by motion as well. Tearing on inside of left arm, extending downward to thumb and index finger.
Painful pressure in right elbow joint, worse when leaning on it, whereby pain extends into hand.
Hands pale, bluish; become cold on walking; trembling.
Itching on back of hand and knuckles, with stitching pain, ceasing on scratching. In lower thumb joint, on moving it, pain as if sprained.
Great lassitude of lower limbs on walking; thighs as if bruised and tense. Lower limbs trembling, tired, heavy. Knees as if bruised, seem to give way.
Internal coldness through right thigh as if cold air blew on it; also in right leg to toes, like a stream of cold air going down through calf to foot.
When sitting and bending knee, thigh falls asleep, with sensation of coldness. Stitches in patella while sitting.
Knees painful; pressive drawing at inner side of knee.
Heaviness in leg, as of a weight hanging in knee joint, drawing it down.
Pain in ankle as if sprained, in the morning on stepping and walking.
Tearing cramp pain on back of foot, extending along outer calf to thighs.
Drawing cramp pain on back of foot, especially on motion.
Trembling of feet, tremulous shaking of legs. Icy cold feet. They may behave as in Calcarea carbonica: goes to bed with freezing feet, but soon they get hot, burning, and red, has to uncover them.