Genitalia – Female
Increased desire. Manic states in childbed with excessive sexual desire where she constantly bares her breast, with pale face and staring eyes; cool dry skin. Fearful of having sex; afraid she will be overwhelmed.
Camphora also acts upon the menstrual functions. It has produced a more profuse flow, but may also make it cease entirely.
Camphora may be indicated in threatening abortion, particularly in seasons of epidemic influenza when women abort almost as generally as the influenza prevails; especially when they have pale, loose, cold skin with general disposition to catarrhal discharges.
When labour pains are weak or cease entirely, with cold, dry, shrunken skin, but aversion to be covered, and restlessness.
Suppuration of mammae; fine stinging in nipples.
Flushes of heat and sweat, abdomen and limbs very cold, during menopause. Os uteri enlarged and hot.
Neck and Back
Stiffness in nape of neck. Tensive pain in the neck muscles, increased by every motion or turning of head.
Tearing pain in nape of neck from bending head forward.
Painful drawing and sensation of stiffness at side of neck and in nape of neck downward, on walking in the open air.
Perspiration in nape of neck when walking.
Violent pain in back, all day. Severe pain in spine, making it difficult to keep erect. Pain as if beaten in back.
Frequent chill in back; as if a cold air blew on it. Internal chill between scapulae; in region of lower back, worse on walking even a few steps. Sense of heat and internal quaking, proceeding from nape of neck and between scapulae, extending as a pressure in the limbs.
Alternate chill and heat in small of back when walking.
Drawing stitches through and between shoulder blades which extend into chest, when moving arms.
Tearing pressure at anterior margin of scapula, impeding motion of arm. Frequent chill in back; between scapulae. Sensation as if cold air blew on back.
Pressure in small of back, with limbs heavy as lead.