
Materia Medica Viva Volume 7 – page 1475

cholera; from suppression of gonorrhoeal discharge; from suppressed eruptions (especially measles); in new-born infants; in women during pregnancy.
After violent urging, involuntary urination.
Violent burning-cutting pain in neck of bladder, extending to fors navicularis, especially before and after urination.
Almost involuntary urination, and pain in urethra after urination feeling like a contraction from the front backwards.
Biting pain in posterior part of urethra on urination, followed by pressure in region of bladder feeling like renewed urging.
Yellowish-green, turbid urine with a mouldy odour.
Camphora has a strong relationship to sexual functions and organs. It causes an increase in sexual desire (both in men and women), but also a total absence of the sexual drive.
Genitalia – Male
Suffers with attacks of violent priapism, especially at night. Experiences unusual sexual ardour, with continued delusions respecting the object of desire. Violent priapism with a somnambular state, similar to trance.
Absence of sexual desire and impotence. Or: totally impotent, no erection even after external stimulation, in spite of constant sexual desire.
Incomplete erections with weak desire, which soon vanishes. Or: stultified by sudden laxity of penis. Nightly emissions, with or without erotic dreams.
Scrotum relaxed; cold. Contracting feeling in testes.
Dragging sensation in course of spermatic cord to testes.
Effects of sudden suppression of gonorrhoeal discharge: strangury, due to stricture of urethra; retention of urine with restlessness, pain in hypogastric region, weak, but rapid pulse, delirium