
Materia Medica Viva Volume 7 – page 1474

where symptoms such as icy coldness all over the body and tonic spasms prevail and the exhaustive diarrhoeic discharges have not yet set in.
Kent describes a cholera state where Camphora is indicated: ‘At times the cholera patient, with the coldness and blueness, is stretching and straining to vomit and suffering with horrible tenesmus to get rid of a little stool and has convulsions here and there. These bowel symptoms gradually increase until there is no ability to strain at stool, a paralytic condition. The rectum seems contracted and painful.’
The paralytic state of the anus is an important symptom; it resembles a tonic spasm. Rectum feels as if narrowed, swollen, painful, even when passing flatus. Flatus sometimes is as difficult to expel as the hardest stool.
This may also be true in summer diarrhoea with rice-water stools preceded by passage of much wind, and only discharged with much difficulty.
Mezger says that diarrhoea is not found in the pathogenesis of Camphora, but this is not correct, as the following symptom from Hahnemann’s proving shows:
Easily catches cold, and then either a shaking chill comes on, or a cutting pain in abdomen, with diarrhoeic discharge of blackish-brown or black stool, like coffee-grounds.’ This symptom has led to the cure of diarrhoea with colicky pain after cold, especially when there was a sensation present as if cold air blew even through the covered parts of the body.
Sudden attack of diarrhoea with sudden and great sinking of strength, icy coldness of body and cold sweat.
Urinary Organs
Strangury, tenesmus of neck of bladder, painful, burning urination is a very marked symptom in this area, leading to its use in cystitis (compare Cantharis, which does not have the typical coldness of surface of Camphora). Retention of urine, with full bladder; with constant pressure in bladder and urging, but nothing is discharged; with very slow urination, the bladder seems to be paralysed; with dribbling urination; with painful micturition, scalding, burning, stinging; with bloody urine. Retention or suppression of urine in