
Materia Medica Viva Volume 7 – page 1473

Deathly nausea with inclination to vomit, with cold sweat on face.
Vomiting followed by coldness over body; by short attacks of vertigo.
There is an intense feeling of coldness in the stomach or the pit of stomach (sometimes extending over whole chest). This may, however, alternate with a sensation of burning heat in stomach that may reach a terrible degree, with tremendous anguish, driving to despair.
The pit of stomach is very sensitive and exceedingly painful to touch.
Unpleasant feeling in pit of stomach, with slight, transient vertigo.
Pressive pain in pit of stomach or anterior part of liver.
Nausea and vomiting in the morning; chronic, of sour mucus; of watery, slimy substance.
There is a sensation of coldness in upper and lower abdomen, which may alternate with violent burning heat. When the cold feeling prevails, it may spread all over the chest. Or there may be internal burning in abdomen, with external coldness.
When there are pains in abdomen he covers up, but after they have passed, the skin becomes cold and he uncovers.
Much colic pain in abdomen; cutting pain at night or from catching a cold.
Very intense pain in epigastrium, radiating all over belly and into limbs.
Drawing pain as if bruised in whole right side of abdomen, up to liver and chest, more internal than external, particularly on inspiration.
Sensation of hardness and heaviness over umbilicus.
Contractive pain below short ribs, extending to lumbar vertebrae.
Heaviness, with stitching and drawing, in right side of hypogastrium, worse on pressure. Burning stitching on an area size of a hand, below the anterior iliac crest.
The successful use of Camphora in cholera was introduced by Hahnemann. In a recent epidemic of cholera in Peru, the French group ‘Homeopaths sans Frontieres’ was able to confirm once more the favourable action of this remedy. Hahnemann recommended Camphora especially in the first stage of the disease,