Throat feels constricted, as if from sulphur fumes; with feeling of suffocation; spasmodic contraction of circular fibres of trachea.
Breathing oppressed, anxious, wheezing; with bronchophonia and rattling. Respiration may be irregular and hurried or almost completely arrested. Suffocative dyspnoea; as if from a pressure in the pit of the stomach; asthmatic attacks, with great suffocation; asphyxia neonatorum, with spasms as a consequence.
Constant sensation of coldness beginning in pit of stomach, extending over whole sternum, exhaled as a cold breath.
Very fatiguing cough, without bringing up anything.
Cough, with pain in throat, chest, stomach, and abdomen.
Cutting, cold sensation in trachea, seems to cause stitches in chest and hacking cough.
Chest and Heart
Congestion to chest.
Pleura-pneumonia with collapse.
Contraction and suffocating oppression of chest.
Stitches on, in and through the chest, frequently extending to vertebral column. Cramp-like stitches in region of heart with oppression when lying on left side; ceasing when turning to right side.
Internal trembling of left side of chest and left arm when lying on left side; ceasing when turning to right side.
Feels and hears throbbing of heart against ribs after eating.
Trembling of heart.
Pulse small, hard, slower and slower; weak, scarcely perceptible.
Cold sweat on upper part of chest.
Much praecordial anxiety and distress, with sensation of severe coldness and
irresistible sleepiness.
Neither appetite nor thirst; or eats voraciously and has frequent thirst; or insatiable thirst, not quenched by large quantities of cold water.
Frequent empty eructation after eating.
Belching and gulping up contents of stomach.