
Materia Medica Viva Volume 7 – page 1471

The whole mouth is cold, also the tongue is cold and trembles, even the breath is cold. The coldness may even be felt when swallowing hot liquids.
But also: burning sensation and unpleasant heat in mouth and pharynx.
Whole mouth interior, with tongue, gums and palate, feels as if it is swollen.
Scraping, dry sensation at palate.
Increased taste to all food; food tastes bitter, especially meat; tobacco tastes bitter and offensive.
Bad taste, nausea, vomiting, especially in the morning. Offensive odour from mouth in the morning, which prover noted himself.
Collection of saliva in the mouth, which is sometimes slimy and viscid.
The tongue is thick, spongy, fissured, covered with much tough yellowish mucus.
Sensation of dryness on back of tongue, a scraping feeling, much saliva.
Gums painful, loosened, teeth feel too long and become loose.
Toothache worse from coffee and spirituous liquors, from touch of any food, ameliorated for some moments by drinking cold water, but holding cold water in mouth aggravates the pain tremendously; strangely enough, drinking beer ameliorates the pain, as well as smoking tobacco. Coitus makes the toothache disappear. On exposure to cold or windy air, a stinging pain goes from a tooth to the eye.
Heat in mouth, pharynx, stomach.
Sore throat, more on swallowing, as if it were excoriated, with a sensation as if he had eaten rancid food. Impossible to swallow in typhus.
Violent burning at palate all the way down the oesophagus which makes him drink, but drinking gives no relief.
Voice husky and deep; feeble, broken, hoarse; uncertain; whispering; even aphonia. Great difficulty of speech, hardly able to articulate.
Mucus in trachea which makes the voice impure and is not cleared by hawking.
Pain in trachea and bronchi, most on coughing, but also when hawking.
The bronchi feel dry.