conscious of his pain and thinks of it, the headache instantly vanishes (this modality has proved to be a general key-note of Camphora).
Constrictive pain at base of brain, particularly in occiput and over root of nose, head is leaned to one side; worse deep stooping, lying down, or external pressure. Cutting shocks from forehead and temples to centre of brain, returning after a short time, after lying down.
Cutting pressure from left side of occiput to forehead.
Boring headache in right temple, ending in a stitch that goes into eye and a tooth, in short attacks.
Dull headache over frontal bone, with nausea, inclination to vomit.
Dull headache, with transient stitches in both temporal regions and orbits.
Headache as if brain were bruised or sore.
Meningitis; after sunstroke; especially with beating pain in cerebellum. Hydrocephalus: great coldness of skin, yet the child cannot be covered.
Head is spasmodically drawn sideways to shoulder.
Frontal headache which presses outward. Pressive headache over left eye in evening.
Staring, wild look; eyes convulsively turned upwards (or to the side); sometimes with eye-lids half closed and in constant agitation.
Extremely contracted pupils; sometimes alternating with dilatation of pupils.
Photophobia. Sensation as if all objects were too bright and shining.
Sees sparks and wheels of fire; small black spots float before the eyes.
When reading, the letters run together, making reading very difficult; when he stops reading, bright circles appear before the eyes.
Obscuration of sight, objects seem to vanish in a fog.
Soreness, or tense, stiff feeling in eyes and eyelids all day.
Pressure upon right eyebrow muscle.
Chronic, obstinate inflammation of eyes. Many red spots on eyelids.
Dim vision. As through a fog, often double vision; when looking at an object it seems to move as if receiving a jerk to the side, which makes vision still more indistinct; vision better in morning, much worse in evening. After taking the remedy, slight attacks of vertigo occurred, and while the vertigo increased, the vision became better.