
Materia Medica Viva Volume 7 – page 1453

Heartburn with horripilation (hair standing up) is a peculiar symptom. Sinking sensation; attacks of nausea or nauseous feeling.
Nausea felt in the chest.
Chronic vomiting: after catching a cold; with cardialgia, hectic fever and emaciation; with pain in the uterine region; preceded by diarrhoea.
Epigastric distension.
Dull, coarse stitches in the middle of the right side of the abdomen upon motion, ceasing during rest.
On walking, a boring and digging pain in the umbilical region.
Enteritis caused by a foreign body. Constant soreness of the abdomen and tenderness in the left iliac region, with frequent, almost entirely mucous stools.
Stool preceded by pinching and anxiety in the hypogastrium, with a chill.
Diarrhoea: with flatulence; excoriating anus; with vomiting.
Constipation: with flatulence, strains, but passes no stool; from retroversion of the uterus.
Urinary Organs
Injury to the bladder after an operation.
Tearing in the urethra during a chill.
Clarke mentions that difficulty in passing water, such as is commonly encountered in old men, was entirely removed for some days after the person had chewed a leaf of Calendula for some minutes.
Frequent urination with pale, clear urine, which is very hot and burns, or dark, offensive urine.
Genitalia – Male
Mechanical excoriation of the mucous surface of the prepuce, after coitus; cured in two days by a lotion of Calendula 200, a few globules dissolved in water (Journal of Homoeopathic Clinics, vol. 4, p.116).