
Materia Medica Viva Volume 7 – page 1451

Calendula is most commonly applied externally as a solution, but it has
also been used orally (in tincture or potency), either without external application or in order to support its external application.
Lacerated scalp wounds. Compound skull fractures.
Dullness in the head, as if he had a hangover.
Heaviness of the head in the morning, as after prolonged illness.
Dull, pressing sensation, especially in the occiput.
Frontal headache after eating, with a sensation of heat in the forehead.
Flushes of heat in the forehead, in the evenings.
Traumatic ophthalmia with suppuration (e.g. from foreign body in eye); conjunctivitis, iritis, keratitis. Lacerated or incised wounds of the eyes. After operations on the eyes or lids where undue inflammation and suppuration is to be avoided.
Wounds of the lids and brows which have not been correctly treated and where suppuration has taken place.
Franz’s proving elicited this symptom: ‘White of eyes inflamed, with pressive headaches now in forehead, now in temple when lying, but not when sitting or standing. ’
Discharge from the lachrymal sac.
Dryness and biting of the margins of the lids, as though from smoke.
Yellowish vision.
Loss of hearing or deafness, with cicatricial tissue on the tympanum.
There may be a history of otorrhoea and suppressed eczema.
In one case, a thickening of the epidermis of the back of the hands had remained after suppression of an eczema, and this was the deciding factor for Calendula.
Hearing may be better when there is noise around, also when riding on a train or a bus. Distant sounds are heard better. Worse in damp, heavy air;