
Materia Medica Viva Volume 6 – page 1460

Calc-sulph. is closely related to Hepar sulph-calc., but has a wider sphere and deeper action in suppurative processes.
Silicea should be compared, though Silica and Hepar are both very sensitive to cold open air and much more chilly in general. Calc-sul. is better in open air; better walking in it; desire for it. Both have from change of weather. Calc-sul. has not the excessive sensitive¬ness to touch found in Hepar but in this respect it can be confused with Lachesis, which also has the jealousy and the maliciousness. The tendency to the formation of abscesses in the body, which is a strong feature of this remedy, is also very marked in Sulphur and Pyrogen.
Compatible: after Kali mur., Natr-sulph., Silica Compare : Calend., in suppurations; Hepar in acne Kali mur. in milk crust and other skin affections and dysentery; Natr-sulph., in post-scarlatinal dropsy; Silica in hard or suppurating glands, ulcers of cornea, tonsillitis, mastitis, frostbites.
Abscesses, boils, carbuncles, chillblains, buboes with easy formation of pus
Ulceration of cornea Crusta lacte Cyst Drops Dysentery Eczema Fistula in anus Glandular swellings Gonorrhoea Haemorrhages Effects of injuries Polypi Spermatorrhoea Tumours Ulcers