He feels sleepy during the day, especially in the morning (10-12h) and he cannot sleep at night and is wakeful before midnight and again after 3 am. Restlessness and excess of thoughts keep him awake.
Anxious and frightful dreams; of disease, of convulsions, of stiffness of the fingers.
This remedy has cured many cases of chronic intermittent fever with evening chill. The chill begins in the feet and extends upward; chill from bathing; chill in the morning after breakfast, during stool. Drinking makes him shake with the chill. Undressing ameliorates.
Fever evening and night; slow irritative fever. Flushes of heat and hectic fever caused by the formation of pus. Fever with the cough and burning in the soles. Profuse perspiration; cold; sour; brought on by slight exertion.
Quotidian or tertian fever.
The skin is unhealthy and wounds are slow to heal. Greyish lead- coloured tinge.
Cuts, wounds, bruises etc. discharge pus.
Suppurating pustules and nodules; skin affections, with greenish, brownish or yellowish scabs.
The skin produces boils, furuncles, abscesses and carbuncles. Crusty, painful ulcers with offensive, putrid discharge which is thick and yellow.
Chilblains suppurate and cracks appear in the skin after washing and in the winter.
Dry eczema which is worse in infants.
Urticaria; the skin itches, especially in bed where it itches, burns and crawls.
The irritation is ameliorated by scratching.
Scarlet rash; scarlatina, with excessive swelling of the soft palate