are acrid, bitter, sour and foul.
He brings up food or bitter fluid.
The stomach becomes distended after eating and the digestion is disordered; indigestion with a feeling of heaviness as from a load. After eating he has much pain in the stomach; burning, cramping, cutting and gnawing and it is tender to pressure.
The pain extends to the right.
Convulsive, cutting pain before stool.
Bending and cold drinks ameliorate the pain.
He feels nauseous in the evening; nausea with a headache and vertigo.
He vomits in the evening after eating, with a headache.
Warm drinks make him nauseous.
He vomits sour, bitter bile, blood, food or mucus.
The abdomen is cold and distended after eating. It feels full and heavy. Flatulence especially at night, and after a bath.
Cramping pain in the hypochondria in the evening and at night.
Pain in the region of the liver, in the right side of the pelvis, followed by weakness, nausea and pain in the stomach.
Wandering pains in the abdomen; cutting, stitching pains; pressing pain after breakfast.
Tabes mesenterica.
Calc-sul. is very frequently indicated in painful – but even more in painless – abscesses about the anus where there is constant discharge of pus.
Abscess on the rectum.
The rectum feels constricted after breakfast.
In the rectum and anus there is intense itching and formication; moisture around the anus causing smarting and itching. Constipation with difficult or insufficient stool; pain during and after stool; heat and soreness after stool.
Involuntary stool.
The rectum prolapses.
External piles with haemorrhage from the rectum and anus.