Dryness of the mouth and tongue.
The tongue is golden yellow and looks like half-dried clay. The mouth feels hot and the mucous membranes are inflamed. Vesicles appear in the mouth and there is a thick yellow coating at the base of the tongue.
The tongue swells and is inflamed and the inside of the lips are raw and burn.
Glossitis, when suppuration begins.
Offensive odour in the mouth.
Speech is difficult because the tongue is stiff and swollen.
The gums swell and bleed on cleaning them and he has a horrible taste in the mouth; bad, bitter, metallic, sour, sweetish.
The teeth are sensitive to the air and to cold water.
Choking is characteristic of this remedy.
The throat is red and swells and there is a sensation of a plug in the throat; redness of the pharynx; ulcerated throat with a discharge of yellow matter.
The fauces are very swollen.
Tonsillitis with discharge of pus.
Chronic inflammation of the throat.
Stitching pains in the throat which makes swallowing painful and difficult.
Thick, yellow mucus is drawn from the posterior nares.
Externally the throat is swollen and the glands are enlarged and painful Constriction of the thyroid gland.
Rheumatic pain in the sides of the throat.
The appetite increases and even becomes ravenous or there is a complete lack of appetite.
He desires wine, acid or green fruits, refreshing things, salt things, vegetables, tea.
Averse to meat, milk and coffee.
Extreme thirst.
Emptiness in the stomach; eructations after eating or empty eructations which