for this remedy include suppurating glands; greenish, brownish, yellow crusts; purulent exudations in serous sacs; malignant, deep, corneal ulcers; fistula. Recurrent abscesses which burn or scald when suppuration sets in; Suppurating chillblains; scirrhus; cystic tumors, fibromas
But the best way to recognise the remedy is by identifying its mental pathology.
The constitutional Calc-sulph. is not an easy case to deal with. It is not easily recognisable by its mental-emotional characteristics. This patient does not know how sick he is, and will hide his mental state. He will not talk about it, but the information will come rather from relatives.
The main feature I have found in the mental emotional pathology is an exaggerated sense of self importance. There is a marked hidden egotism and we frequently see the traumatic effects of false egotism. Such patients go along in life expecting everybody to appreciate what nice and clever people they are, and therefore are deeply hurt by people not paying attention to them or not appreciating them. They moan and complain and hold grudges if they feel that others do not appreciate them. This idea is central to the remedy.
Imagine a patient who has an inner wound that cannot heal, cannot close, and it oozes and suppurates, and you wonder where all this pus is coming from day after day, week after week, or even year after year. The same idea may be applied to the soul which has been wounded and which oozes not blood but pus. There is something rotten inside the patient, a process of decomposition is