
Materia Medica Viva Volume 6 – page 1445

Sulphate of Calcium Gypsum Plaster of Paris Ca S04 Trituration
The general idea that runs through this remedy is of an organism which tends to produce tumors and abscesses that not only do not heal easily, but that suppurate profusely and for long periods of time. In cases of inflammation, this organism quickly reaches a state of suppuration.
I have found this remedy effective in cases of malignant acne in young people and also in hydradenitis suppurativa with cicatrices forming afterwards. I must however point out here that some severe cases of this type of chronic condition will need more than one remedy to complete the cure. In cases of acne both cheeks present a crusty ugly uneven surface of dried pus mixed with blood and serum. The suppuration is so profuse that the patient cannot clear it up fast enough, and it forms again immediately after cleaning.
The strongest feature in this remedy is not so much the tendency to form abscesses in any part of the body, as the fact that once an abscess is opened it is very slow to heal and has a continuous discharge of yellow pus.
Calc-sulph. can be useful in malignant growths after ulceration has set in, where a lot of pus forms. It may help in cases of glomerulonephritis, when this is a complication after an epidemic
disease in children with tube casts and albumen, where the heart is also involved.