
Materia Medica Viva Volume 6 – page 1431

depletion and lassitude compel him to lie down frequently; lying down ameliorates the general state, the weakness and many other symptoms (Manganum). After lying down for a while, the patient feels fine, but as soon as he starts to walk about all the fatigue returns, such that he must lie down again. Calcarea silicata is a tubercular remedy like Mang. and Stannum, the exhaustion, however, is less than in Stann. cases.
The general picture of the Calcarea silicata constitutional type is someone who is frail, timid, cowardly and easily frightened, completely lacking in self-confidence, and who has many fears and anxieties. His mind is constantly distracted by trivial thoughts and worries. He has fears about family matters, anxiety about their health or about financial problems. The only part of the body that seems to be relatively hard are the nails, and they, in fact, are not really strong; they tend to be brittle and to break easily or to grow very slowly (compare Silica).
Calcarea silicata’s anxiety about health combines the anxieties of Calcarea carbonica and Silica, with its own peculiar symptom of fears that come on mostly in bed at night. The patient may, for example, lie awake all night worrying that he has an incurable disease or that he has a brain tumour which can never be cured. During the night, even while asleep, the whole organism seems to be extremely sensitive to anxieties, fears, fright and sadness. Calcarea silicata individuals shriek, weep and start in their sleep. They have a lot of nightmares, frightful, horrible dreams, dreams of death, disease, murder, etc.
Upon waking up in the morning, they are frequently anxious and somewhat frightened without even knowing why. When awake, they conjure up fears and worry, and sit and weep for hours. They often find it impossible to keep from bursting into sobs.
Calcarea silicata has two interesting modalities; The fear and anxiety are worse at night in bed, while the lack of mental energy