
Materia Medica Viva Volume 6 – page 1426

upward; burning pain. In thumbs, all joints as if luxated or sprained.
Pain in the fingers of the right hand when writing, in the evening; writers’ cramp.
Spasmodic motion of the thumbs.
Ulcerative pains in the roots of the finger nails, especially the middle finger.
Finger tips sore.
The lower limbs are the most to suffer, with tearing, shooting, rheumatic pains etc. Kent states that the reason is probably that the lower limbs are always cold to the knees and that in this remedy the cold parts are always the parts that suffer. Heaviness, fatigue and stiffness also refer to the lower limbs to a greater extent than the upper, especially during the menses or during pregnancy.
Numbness, ‘going to sleep’, and tingling of several parts, especially the buttocks. This feeling extends upward to the sacrum or down to the soles of the feet. It can come on from sitting, after rising from a seat, or from riding in a car. It can be accompanied by a peculiar restlessness of the legs. Schreter’s proving provoked the following symptom:
‘Muscles of the nates [buttocks] fall asleep, with restlessness in lower legs, has to move them all the time, change position, with an anxious feeling, he wants to jump out of the carriage; if he turns to the right side, the nervus ischiadicus aches as if pressed upon, and he has to sit straight (on riding in a car for some time, at night). ’
In the buttocks a lameness as if beaten; after a storm all kinds of pain with soreness, most from right to left, but alternating, mostly on the right side.
There are also stinging, burning, itching sensations on small spots in the skin of the buttocks. Oozing pimples develop that form scurfs and continue to itch after scratching.
Calcarea phosphorica may be useful in hip-joint disease, coxarthrosis.
Aching and soreness of the thighs as if beaten, with aching in the sacral bones. Sharp pain in the tendons on the inside of the thighs, more when walking. Tensive drawing in the hollow of the knee when standing up and stretching the leg, as if the tendons were too short; better from continued walking. Pain in the knees: as if sprained, sore, boring; worse when walking or stretching. Chronic swelling of the knees; hygroma patellae.
The pain in bones is most felt in the tibiae. Bone pains in the left lower leg, as if it were breaking or beaten.
Cramp in the calves, drawing, rending, shooting pain; cramp on a small spot inside the calves when walking.
Contraction around the left calf as if it is tied over there.
Ankle joints as if dislocated; they tend to be weak and easily injured. Ulcers at the ankle; fistular openings.
Hering’s proving gives ‘old gouty pain in big toe, with inclination to crack