
Materia Medica Viva Volume 6 – page 1421

bladder before urinating.
Cuttings and stitches in the urethra have frequently been noted in the provings. This can occur while urinating, but occurs especially when not urinating.
A striking symptom in a male prover (Schreter) that occurred several times is: The urethra expands much on urinating, it swells and becomes hard, with burning; towards evening.’ The indication ‘chronic induration of urethra’ and Hering’s symptom ‘Erection painful, with burning in urethra, and a tension in penis, in evening’ have been derived from this proving symptom.
The same prover experienced an agglutination of the meatus, with the consequence that a quantity of urine spurted out after urinating.
In the region of the kidneys, pain when lifting, digging, blowing the nose, which is frequently so violent as to make the person cry out loud.
Male Genitalia
The sexual drive is often increased, but the desire to perform sex may also be diminished due to the weakness of the Calcarea phosphorica organism.
Desire for coitus may be especially strong in the morning, ‘together with very unusual orgasm’, as Hering’s proving relates. Coitus results in a general feeling of well being, together with a good appetite for breakfast and a stronger desire for work than before. On the other hand, weakness in the feet after coitus is reported, similar to Calcarea carbonica.
At 1 a.m., has a strong seminal emission with a voluptuous dream of
having coitus with his wife.
Strong erections while riding in a carriage for some time, but without voluptuous feeling.
After emission of urine or faeces, the genitals are relaxed and weak.
Calcarea phosphorica has, as Kent says, cured many cases of chronic gonorrhoea when the discharge is gleety and there are sharp pains in the urethra and prostatic gland. White discharge from the urethra in anaemic subjects.
Shooting through the perineum into the penis. Shooting in the root of the penis and bladder.
Swelling of the testicles. Scrotum sore, and oozing of a fluid; moist, sweaty; itching, producing pimples.
Female Genitalia
Sexual desire is often increased, so insatiable that it causes suffering to the patient, especially before the menses. Erection of the clitoris with sexual desire