as if split, and an insipid, sweetish taste after the ice-cream eaten the day before. ’
The tongue may be swollen, numb and stiff, with pimples on it.
The tip of the tongue burns, as if sore or burnt; sometimes little burning blisters are found there.
Sore spots on the mucous membrane of the cheeks developed in two provers. Children tend to put their fingers into their mouths.
The teeth and the teething periods are often a source of ailments. Slow and difficult teething, with a variety of complaints (cough, diarrhoea, vomiting, cold tremors, convulsions without fever, emaciation, and so on). Caries are very common and often comes very early in children. The teeth crumble and decay rapidly.
The teeth are sensitive and cannot bear the touch and pressure of chewing. Fresh air, especially a cold draft is also intolerable and aggravates toothache, as well as warm and cold things.
Calcarea phosphorica has a marked action upon the tonsils and adenoids. There is a chronic enlargement of the tonsils, with an aversion to opening the mouth. If it is opened all the same, e.g. for yawning, there is a sore pain felt in the tonsils. The remedy is also indicated in adenoid growths which can entirely obstruct the nasopharynx.
Every cold tends to settle in the throat. It is sore, feels raw on swallowing, and there is much mucus in it. Has to hawk frequently, and can only talk clearly after hawking. Hawking is also necessary in the evening to get the slime out, it even continues after falling asleep.
The sore throat is often caused by exposure to cold air. Two descriptions from the provings: ‘Yesterday, soreness of the throat; today, tonsils, uvula, and pharynx red and swollen, with pain increased by swallowing’ (Cate). And: ‘Sore throat in the morning, on waking, worse in the right side, low down in fauces, more towards the back; worse when swallowing; disappears after rising and at breakfast; warm drink causes no pain’ (Hering).
A strange sensation of emptiness or faintness in the pharynx has been noted. Swallowing may also cause a lot of other pains: in ths tongue, in the chest, and in the pit of stomach.
The most striking desires have been reported in the chapter on Children, and include the desires for fat bacon, ham, ‘ham rind’, salted or smoked meat, sausage, potatoes, farinaceous foods, and indigestible things. In