
Materia Medica Viva Volume 6 – page 1416

Hearing loss, amounting almost to deafness, from hypertrophy of the tonsils or from adenoid growths.
Tip of nose icy cold.
Sensation as if something were in the nose (like a crumb, when eating), which cannot be removed.
There is a tendency to violent sneezing and coryza, often with soreness of the nostrils and inside the nose. The discharge may be so abundant that ‘three handkerchiefs are hardly enough for a day’ (from Schreter’s proving). The same prover also observed that in a cool room (after having ridden in the open air) he had fluent coryza, while outdoors, in the hot air, his nose was blocked. Coryza that develops into sinusitis.
Large pedunculated nasal polypi that bleed easily.
A small ulcer forms at the septum and is very painful, especially on blowing the nose.
The face tends to be pale and waxy, of a sallow colour, and sometimes with a yellowish hue. It may be full of pimples and pustules, as in acne, and is most often found in girls. Coppery discolouration of the face or dark blotches on the face have also been cured by Calcarea phosphorica.
The face may be hot, and the rest of the body is cold; we also see cold sweat on the face while the body is cold.
Facial ache that may be neuralgic or rheumatic in origin and which worsens at night. The pain in the face affects in particular the upper maxilla and has a tendency to spread or wander in a distinct pattern: it goes from right to left, or it begins in other parts of the body and extends to the face, or else it starts in the face and extends to other parts. Some modalities of the facial ache: aggravated by wet weather, by draughts, by physical or mental exertion, by noise, ameliorated while lying down.
Swollen upper lip which is painful, hard, and burns.
Bitter taste in the mouth: in the morning, with headache; at the beginning of menses; bread and even water taste bitter. The bad taste in the morning upon waking may also be insipid and offensive.
In conjunction with this taste, a white coating of the tongue can be observed. In the provings, we find: ‘In the morning, tongue coated whitish, with furrows,