There is a sensation in the eye as if there is something in it, which is renewed if others talk about it. This very annoying sensation sometimes seems to wander about in the eye, but is often felt in the region of the inner canthus. It may be followed by discharge of matter from the inner canthus in the morning and a swelling and redness of the upper part of the canthus.
The eye hurts as if it had been beaten; gentle pressure eliminates the pain.
Hot feeling in the eyes, especially in the lids, along with sweating of the brows and lids. A cool feeling toward the front of or behind the eyes has also been mentioned.
The (left) eye is inflamed, the cornea hazy and traversed by red vessels, with photophobia. The capillary vessels may be visible in streaks from the canthi to the cornea.
Opacities of the cornea after an abscess.
Photophobia. Light tends to hurt the eyes, particularly artificial light (including candle light).
A dimness of vision has been observed in the provings, with an increase of myopia; the field of vision seems composed of small, round, greyish spots. Letters tend to change into little black spots, or patients report that they see something like a little bird flying from left to right.
Phenomena like shimmering, glittering, fiery circles before the eyes have also been reported.
Calcarea phosphorica has been useful in spasmodic disorders of the eyelids, where Magnesia phosphorica has failed.
A valuable hint, mentioned by Margery Blackie: ‘They often have long lashes and rather dark blue eyes. ’ Of course, this is only a hint and never a sufficient basis for prescription!
Cold feeling or coldness of the ears, followed by throbbing, heat and a loss of hearing; or: Burning itching of outer ears when in a warm room, after riding in the open air (which was not cold), with redness, but not warm to the touch, continuing all day when indoors.
Rheumatic tearing in the ears when the weather changes to cold.
Soreness and aching in and around the ears and also in the bones around them; also in the region of parotid glands.
Severe burning pain in a small spot above the ear, with the spot being exceedingly sensitive to touch.
Earache from right to left, following a drawing over the os pubis from right to left.
Excoriating otorrhoea.