
Materia Medica Viva Volume 6 – page 1407

that is inclined to wobble, a belly that is flabby and prominent or flabby and sunken, is subject to bronchitis and tonsillitis, has a very unstable nervous system, and is very restless. Remedies that should be compared are Baryta carbonica, Borax, Caicarea carbonica, Magnesia carbonica, Medorrhinum, Natrum muriaticum and Phosphoricum acidum.
Problems with the formation of bones and/or an inclination to bone diseases and bone pains, often indicate Caicarea phosphorica,. The remedy should be considered when the head bones are slow in forming or do not keep pace with the growth of the child, when the fontanelles don’t close early enough, or even reopen. Clarke differentiates: ‘Caicarea carbonica has an open anterior fontanelle; Caicarea phosphorica has both open, especially the posterior. ’ The skull is often thin and soft, gives way under the pressure of a finger or seems to crackle like paper. There are pains in the skull bones, especially in the region of the sutures.
Another indication of the remedy is the so-called ‘growing pains’ (due to delayed closure of the epiphyses) in fast growing children, which appear especially at night. These children grow very quickly, but the assimilation of nutrients to support such rapid growth is deficient; thus we see skeletal and dental problems. A number of pathologies that have been cured or favourably influenced by this remedy are: lateral curvatures of the spine (scoliosis); hydrocephalus, acute or chronic; rickets, frequently with diarrhoea (cholera infantum), in emaciated children; caries, easy decay of the teeth, especially of the first teeth; late or slow dentition, in connection with a host of teething complaints which include cough, diarrhoea and spasms, especially without fever. Symptoms associated with spina bifida are reported to be favourably influenced by Caicarea phosphorica. Enlarged tonsils and adenoid growths are often seen and have also responded well.
An important symptom, though not to the same degree as in Caicarea carbonica, is a profuse night sweat around the head.