but they are often made in all seriousness and with little awareness of the impression created by them.
Calcarea phosphorica’s emotions suffer from sluggishness as well. Their emotions move with difficulty; they are indifferent. The emotional indifference, while somewhat similar to that of Phosphoric acid, is not nearly as profound.
Sighing is a well-known key-note of Calcarea phosphorica. One might mistake a Calcarea phosphorica case for Ignatia because both remedies sigh frequently. Calcarea phosphorica’s sighing, however, is primarily of a physical origin as opposed to Ign. s psychological etiology and seems to be a consequence of physical pathology rather than psychology. Calcarea phosphorica cases have a weakness of the respiratory apparatus such that there is a need to take a deep breath. The deep involuntary inspiration that ensues sounds like sighing.
The sighing does not commence after an experience of grief, though such an episode may aggravate it, and usually appears for no apparent reason and much earlier in the case than Calcarea phosphorica’s emotional symptoms. A psychological shock, like grief, may produce other symptoms, such as those previously mentioned under the heading ‘Bad News’ ‘in the Essential Features’. This is different from Ign.’s sighing, which results directly from an incident of grief, and can be traced back to that experience.
Sympathetic and Fearful
Calcarea phosphorica individuals are typically sensitive people. Before they reach the state of inner discontent, they are quite open and outgoing. Though they are shyer than Phosphorus, the