
Materia Medica Viva Volume 6 – page 1404

The increasing deficiency in the area of the intellect assumes various forms, among them are the following: the memory begins to lack precision (a prover reported that he was unable ‘to remember common symptoms of common remedies’), or is lost so that one does not remember at all what one has done, or what one should do. The operations of the intellect begin to lack the accustomed acuity. Ordinary intellectual operations are performed only with difficulty. Words get confused (a prover found himself writing throat for tonsils, red for swollen etc.) or are written twice. It becomes increasingly difficult to distinguish among things and notions under consideration. Mental stamina’ begins to suffer; the individual is unable to sustain prolonged mental efforts.
As a result of their mind being sluggish, Calcarea phosphorica people dislike mental exertion. In fact, these people dislike performing work of any kind; if they do not work at all, however, they feel they have been neglectful and suffer even more discontent. If they are successful in stimulating themselves to work or are roused by somebody else, they feel better for having made the mental effort. They briefly experience a sense of satisfaction for having done some useful labour. The sluggishness, however, eventually reasserts itself and the discontent and nagging sense that something is wrong return, and progressively worsen. If these people direct their attention to their symptoms —to the difficulty they have concentrating, to their loss of memory, etc.-they feel much worse and their dissatisfaction increases. Similar to Oxalic acid, and as mentioned earlier, Calcarea phosphorica patients are worse from thinking about their symptoms and complaints.
At a more advanced stage, their inability to comprehend can progress to the point where they begin to do silly things. They make silly jokes or say silly things that are inappropriate to the situation.
Their comments might be understood were they presented as jokes,