Calcium Phosphate. Phosphate of Lime. Tricalcic Phosphate. Ca32P04.
A mixture of the basic and several complex calcium phosphates – produced by adding dilute phosphoric acid to lime water.
Calcarea phosphorica is a deep-acting remedy with a wide range of symptomatology. Unfortunately, it is often confused with several of our polychrests, the most frequent of these being Calcarea carbonica, Chamomilla, Phosphoricum acidum, Phosphorus and Tuberculinum. A more thorough understanding of this remedy will enable the practitioner to better distinguish it from the others mentioned above.
There are three primary causative factors for the development of a Calcarea phosphorica case:
a) bad nutrition
b) bad news
c) bad weather
a) Deficient or poor nutrition is required to produce the classic Calcarea phosphorica picture, especially on the physical level. This picture encompasses the basic structural and developmental pathology described in earlier texts, whose symptoms include: rachitis; emaciation; bone diseases; the non-union of fractured bones; anaemic states; slow or difficult convalescence after acute diseases. Specifically in babies: the non-union of sutures, open fontanelles, late learning to walk, late learning to talk, late dentition and troubles incident to this period.