with desire to swallow, but neither coughing nor swallowing relieve the tickling. Very hoarse after laughing; also from reading aloud.
Laryngeal diphtheria.
Feeling of tightness in the region of the thyroid gland, with pulsating; has to loosen garments. Hard struma; toxic adenoma.
Pressure on the heart with fear that the heart will fail.
Sensation of heaviness on the heart, as of a stone, immediately disappearing if pressure is applied with both fists.
Severe stitches of the heart when sitting leaning forward.
Increased appetite and sensation of hunger; sensation of satiety fails; can eat all day, but remains emaciated all the same.
‘Hunger pains’ two hours after a meal, ameliorated by eating.
Becomes very angry if is hungry and has to wait for a meal; when the meal finally arrives, looks at it with disgust.
Loss of appetite. Weakness and daintiness of appetite, nausea and distress after eating, in young children who are overtaxed by studies.
Desire for salt, spicy food, sweets (but sweets do not agree); aversion to meat, fat, and eggs. Fat does not agree and causes diarrhoea.
Hawking up of mucus in the morning causes an extended attack of hiccup, which depletes the person, and recurs frequently throughout the day. Heartburn.
Vomiting of undigested food; in infants, during dentition.
Acute indigestion from fatigue and brain fag, much flatulence.
Sensation of fullness with flatulence, better from discharging the flatus. Flatulence during pregnancy. Flatulence, worse when horse riding and
towards evening, better after lying down at night.
About midnight, or soon thereafter, wakened by a sharp pain in the right hypochondrium, under the eleventh rib, occurring in paroxysms of lancination accompanied by restlessness; worse when lying on the painful side, so much so as to cause a feeling of bursting outward; better when lying on the painless side and when doubling over.