
Materia Medica Viva Volume 6 – page 1388

Some important modalities that were already mentioned are the amelioration from eating and the aggravation of most symptoms (rheumatic pains etc.) by cold, wet weather. Heat and warm applications tend to ameliorate. The same is true of warm drinks, whereas cold drinks aggravate. While resting and upon beginning to move, symptoms are worse, but continued motion ameliorates.
On the other hand, specific symptoms such as congestion of the head and heat in the lower limbs and feet are better from open air and cold water and worse from heat. An intolerance of hot and sultry weather and of exposure to the sun is a characteristic feature which Calcarea fluorica has in common with other halogens. Touch tends to worsen symptoms while tight pressure often ameliorates headaches, stomach-aches, and heart complaints.
A striking modality regarding time is a marked aggravation at night between 3 and 5 a.m. At this time, a nervous restlessness comes over them, which interrupts their sleep and brings on headaches, vertigo, and listlessness. These complaints frequently continue even after rising in the morning. After a siesta, the person feels irritable and ill humoured. These symptoms establish aggravation after sleep as a characteristic trait of Calcarea fluorica.
Provers report a sort of creaking, straining and drawing pain in the head that is similar to the noise made by a cornstalk fiddle and greatly interferes with sleep. A dull headache accompanied with fainting, nausea in the stomach, affects the entire head throughout the afternoon and is relieved in the evening.
Pain is everywhere in the head, with confusion, or boring, stitching, or cutting pressure which feels as if the head is bursting; better from open air (even a draught of air), cold washing and pressure; worse from stooping, heat, exposure to the sun, sultry weather, climbing stairs, descending the escalator, alcohol. There are, however, occasional cases where heat ameliorates.
Headache is aggravated by light, noises such as radio music and is ameliorated by eating.