The amelioration from eating is a striking modality of Caicarea fluorica and general to the organism. Not only does it pertain to the painful feeling of hunger in the stomach, but also to the mental functions, the headache, the nervous restlessness and irritability, and to the general tone and energy of the body. Caicarea fluorica shares this general and marked modality with other halogen compounds.
A striking left-sidedness has been observed in Mezger’s proving. For instance, a sore bruised feeling, joint pains, numbness and formication only affected the left side in several provers. A soreness on only the left side was also reported. Meltzer established the remedy’s special influence upon the pancreas, which include greasy stools, and indigestion and diarrhoea from eating fat and feels that the affinity for the pancreas may also be due to the left sided bias.
Dr. Sarah Hogan gave Caicarea fluorica with complete success, to a pregnant woman suffering from flatulence. The patient came through labour quite easily, whereas the previous labour had been difficult. Dr. Hogan found the remedy to facilitate labour in numerous other cases, and found flatulence to be a marked indication for the remedy, even independent of pregnancy.
According to Mezger, there is a desire for salt, spicy foods, and sweets; however, sweets do not agree well. There is an aversion to eggs, meat and fat, which, as mentioned earlier, causes diarrhoea.
Phatak mentions, as a general symptom, that discharges tend to turn grass-green. He also recommends Caicarea fluorica’s use in burns from X-rays.
As in all the Caicarea remedies there is an inclination to profuse sweating, but in Caicarea fluorica the sweat has an offensive odour, similar to Acidum fluoricum.