
Materia Medica Viva Volume 6 – page 1377

Soreness of the first phalanx of the big toe, when moving the joint.
A sticking pain in a corn on the left third toe.
Much yawning.
Great sleepiness in the evening, but a restless sleep follows, with much confusion of the head and many dreams, often unpleasant ones, even nightmares. Frequently, provers were aware that they had had a restless night with a lot of dreams, but were unable to remember any of them.
Violent chill of the whole body, on going to bed or before rising in the morning; a violent shaking chill with chattering teeth, followed by severe heat in the head.
Chill for several weeks in the summer.
Shivering going up the back.
Severe burning sensation of the skin before falling asleep; troublesome tension of the skin which wakes him from sleep in the morning.
Violent itching and stitching of the skin; small vesicles with a red areola which are filled with serous or purulent fluid. These appear on various parts of body – first on the nape of the neck and back, then on the chest and neck, behind the ears, and at the occiput.
A fine, rash-like eruption that, without a biting feeling, breaks out on the forehead.
Six brownish-red, painless, isolated or partly confluent spots like flea-bites, 10cm wide in total, appear on the lower part of the tibia; the skin is somewhat swollen.
Back, pains in. Coccygodynia. Corns. Feet (pains in heels). Hoarseness. Jaw, affection of. Malar bones, pain in. Neuralgia. Paralysis. Rheumatism. Spleen, disorders of. Stiff-neck. Tapeworm. Toothache.