Stitches from the wing of the nose, extending upward to the inner canthus of the eye. Stiffness in the articulation of the jaws was observed several times in the proving. In one prover, a nervous and rheumatic pain in the teeth and head, that had been present for half a year, disappeared under the action of the remedy. It returned, however, after a foot bath. The pain was very violent; it was located in the right articulation of the jaws; the joint was swollen and immobile. Repetition of Calcarea caustica relieved the pain and the patient finally was able to have a good night’s sleep.
Inner mucous membrane of the lips slightly reddened, with visible venulae. Tongue thickly coated, looking greenish-yellow, with a bitter taste in the mouth. The palate feels as if mucus were upon it, but none is expectorated.
Severe toothache every night at 2 a.m., the teeth feel numb and as if they were enlarged; is accompanied by intense pain in the left ear which feels as if something were sticking in it.
Mucus in the throat, difficult to raise, almost exciting vomiting.
Sore throat in the morning upon rising, with difficulty swallowing, both when the throat is empty or full, continuing all day long.
Sensation in the throat as if a bone were stuck in it.
Respiration Hoarseness, with pain in the throat.
Hawks up granular, glutinous material like cooked rice, which collects in the larynx and trachea.
Dull stitches in the left half of the larynx.
Feeling of rawness in the trachea.
Cough with stitches in the thorax, with expectoration of mucus and blood. Pressure on the chest, with sacral pain, in the morning on rising, which ceases after half an hour; the pressure feels as if all the blood has stagnated in the abdomen, and the patient feels as if he had a nightmare.
Pressure on the sternum.
Pressing-stitching pain below the sternum, across the praecordia and hypochondria.
Stitching pain on respiration, with rheumatic pain between the scapulae, and oppression towards the front extending to the sternum.